Last night, we came somewhat cautiously to the conclusion that you are teething. We are not 100 percent certain, but from what I've gathered there's a pretty decent chance you are.
For one, you've been drooling a lot lately. You blow bubbles with the plethora of drool you create. Also, you have begun sticking things in your mouth, especially your hands since you haven't yet gotten the hang of gripping items yet. It really hit hard last night. You didn't want to eat, and you weren't satisfied enough with your pacifier to hold it in for very long. But you adored your hand. I found you sucking on your index finger and thumb so hard you'd turned them beet red and the color did not dissipate for a good while. In fact, I suspect you nicked your gums with your thumbnail, because it was a bit long and after I removed your hand you started wailing.
You cried for a long time. You wouldn't eat, you would gnaw on your pacifier. We brought our the teethers, but you weren't quite used to them. I think you were taken aback by their new and interesting textures, but the pain you had probably made the new experience quite conflicting for you. You would gnaw and suck on the teethers and then cry and cry.
Above: See your motor skills are improving! Last night we gave you this teether and taught you how to hold it! You can't do it for very long, but you're working on it. Oh, and on a side note, I didn't buy the pink cat. Our neighbor did. She knew you were a boy... maybe she just thought it didn't matter. (August 2011)
So we will keep an eye on this teething situation. It's a little early, but some babies are even born with teeth! This includes Julius Caesar, whom I named you after (although in agreement we used the spanish spelling). Today we bought teething gel, and another teether for you (green, I might add ;) ).
UPDATE! 7:17 P.M.
As I worked diligently to post this blog, Cesar you woke up and called for me in your little cry. I changed you, and set you down for some naked time! You like your naked time in this hot weather. I put a water proof, cloth mat on the floor and let you have tummy time there. I set you down just a few moments ago and came here to publish my post.
That's when Vincent came in the door. He did his usual, "Hey! Why are you naked, put some clothes on!" yell. I jumped up to greet him, and looked over at you... on your back.
"Ummm... did you move him?" I asked, knowing full well the answer!
"No," Vincent replied.
I had set you on your tummy, walked away for five seconds, and you were on your back! I set you back on your stomach, and you actually started to turn again! Before giving up... I guess that first turn took all the strength out of you. None the less, I am majorly impressed and shocked!
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