So much has happened lately! To begin with, I am grieving just a bit. It's day four, rather, it's the END of day four since Beowulf disappeared. We started opening the windows to air out the house in this beautiful cool weather. Vincent and I had been discussing the cats going outside. Now that they are neutered and vaccinated, we thought it was a pretty good idea. The problem was these horrible collars. While the intention is noble, the design of a breakaway collar is cheap and a waste for consumers. The darn things came off the cats without so much as a tug. So now, Beowulf is gone and not returned, and if anyone sees him he has no collar. Here's my main worries: Beowulf is skiddish. He's nervous. I'm afraid even if someone does try to feed him, he will run away. Also, I wouldn't feel bad if I knew he was gone because he didn't want to come back. I feel bad because I'm worried something happened and he simply cannot come back. I'm having a hard time with it. I loved him and he was my "cuddle monster" for around five years. He loved you as well. I could hold you up to him, and you would throw your hands into his fur and grab. He'd just let you do it. One time you even grabbed a hunk of his facial fur, and he pulled your head to his wide open mouth. He just let you! I had to make you let go, saying, "Hey, you can't eat the kitty!"
I also have become ill. I lost my voice, which has never happened before. It was strange in a way, to be bound by silence. I felt as if there was a bit of enlightenment to be had, or a lot. Mostly though, I was grateful to you. My raspy attempts you found hilarious. You laughed and were very well behaved for the most part.
On Friday your father took us to meet Alberto Del Rio. As you know, your father is a wrestling fanatic. I keep trying to convince him to dress up as one of his favorites for Halloween - Alberto. Alberto is the current WWE champion, and he's a "bad" guy. He's known as the Mexican Aristocrat and this latest Pay Per View was here in San Antonio. Your father was so excited. I love seeing him really into something, and if you're anything like it I will be so pleased. He gets so animated, and I can almost feel the excitement emanating from him when he's on the verge of something great. So it was this past Friday, the day I lost my voice. It was a last minute thing really. We were at a thrift shop, getting you a high chair and a new car seat. By the way, might I also add that I am extremely proud of us! Your father paid just fifteen dollars for a high chair I chose and a car seat he found. They needed a bit of cleaning up, but they cleaned up very nicely! Anyhow, while at the shop your father said Alberto was signing autographs at a shop downtown according to his buddy. So away we went. Boy were we lucky! Just minutes after we arrived they closed off the line for autographs. We were at the tail end! You were so patient and calm. I realize as a five month old you have no clue for the famous, the rich, the poor, or the unknown. I love that in children. You just accept people for the happiness they bring you. Still, it was a treat that your father was so happy to share with you. He prides himself on telling you that at just five months old you've seen every pay per view, the first being aired the very day you came home from the hospital! Also, that you have been to a local wrestling show, and now that you actually "met" a big time wrestler. It really makes me smile, and I hope that even if your interests change over time that you value how much your father wanted to include you in his little passion. Personally I think Wrestling is just a nice soap opera, but what really makes me enjoy it is the memories we make. Your father says you are so spoiled when it comes to wrestling, because he never got all these perks, but I know it's his way of sharing a favorite past time with someone he loves. Anyhow, despite the long wait, Alberto was quiet and fairly nice. At least, that's what I gathered in the split second I had with him. My mind was so scattered I was hardly looking at him! I was far too busy trying to perfect the moment for your father and you. First, your father had his autograph and photo with you taken. Ever the conversationalist, he made a few remarks and the wrestler laughed! Then, it was my turn. I kept looking around to try and get moving, and I managed to focus for a split second to say, "C..," then I looked around to see where Vincent was and who had the camera, and then refocused, "Can I have your autograph?" I don't know if he was expecting something more, or if he was just waiting for me to watch him sign the paper, because he just looked at me until I asked, then nodded. He looked like he had experienced a long day and was run down already, but he did seem nice enough. Your father was so very excited! He told him, "Way to take out Rey Mysterio!" which made him laugh, and then on his way out he shouted, "Be sure to take down Del Rio.. oh.. I mean Cena!"
Below: Your father and Alberto Del Rio.. and you, Cesar! Too bad his entourage wanted the line to move along so fast. I wasn't allowed to take the picture, so this rather annoying blonde woman just clicked away and that was that. Still, you are adorable as always. (October 2011)
On a side note, I'm sorry I haven't had much of a chance to discuss Halloween in this post. So much has happened! You've begun to sit up on your own very well. You still cannot rise to a sitting position from lying down, but if I sit you up you can hold yourself up for a nice amount of time while playing with your toys. That, to me, is a HUGE milestone. You accomplished this on the 19th. You're father let you try on your own and we sat around in wonder. Naturally, I had to take a dozen photos. I was so proud. Watching you grow is the most amazing thing I've witnessed, and I'm really looking forward to your first Halloween. I found a small stuffed Brian toy to go with your Stewie costume. I am going to be a Roman goddess. My mother was kind enough to send me a beautiful dress! And your father.. well I personally think he looks plenty like Alberto Del Rio.. I keep encouraging him to dress up as the wrestler! It would be simple enough.
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